I thought it would be interesting to interview a few of the dogs that can be adopted from the Lewis and Clark Humane Society. First up is Hercules since he's fostering at my house.
Me: "Hercules, what are a few of the nicknames you've been given?"
Hercules: "Herkie Turkey, Handsome Herc, you know, the usual."
Me: "Why don't you tell people why you aren't in the shelter to be seen there."
Hercules: "I don't care much for other dogs so having all those other dogs around me drove me to pace and jump against the walls constantly. The cleaning products used on my kennel gave me bad skin so bumping against the concrete caused me to have sores on my legs and feet. Then I got depressed as well as anxious and started to lose weight. A lot of us dogs are really sensitive and can't eat or tolerate being in such close quarters with all those strangers. I was really stressed out from my last home and from being in the shelter."
Me: "What do you think is the reason you haven't been adopted? You are one of the longest-term dogs on the rolls at the Lewis and Clark Humane Society.
Hercules: "A lot of people are afraid of pit bulls but speaking for myself as an individual I am just a couch potato/love bug. I'm not as high energy as a lot of the dogs at the shelter so I don't think that's a factor. Maybe people think that "foster" means I have a home but it isn't so. I need my own couch and humans. Fostering means somebody finds a place for a dog to decompress but the dog doesn't really fit into that family. I hope somebody understands and eventually sees how much I want them and begins to want me too.
Me: "Anything else you would like people to know about you? Anything you need to say?"
Hercules: "Just that there are a lot of dogs looking for homes and I hope I will be one of the lucky ones who gets chosen to be part of a family."

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